Cherokee Ranch and Castle Partnership

  • Location
    Highlands Ranch, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

We are partnering with the Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation to build a community education program which will benefit both the Ranch and our district students.

Our Plan

Our group is partnering with members of the Cherokee Ranch and Castle Foundation to plan community service projects we can help them with, and science and cultural education efforts our students can benefit from. The Ranch is 3400 acres of protected, native habitat directly South of Metro Denver. It is bounded by several other protected spaces which total some 14,000 acres of natural space virtually surrounded by the sprawl of the metro area. We have plans to study the native species, help improve the grounds. We hope to develop educational partnerships with investigating scientists and work on documentation. It is our goal to figure out how to educate the surrounding community on the importance of continuing to protect such a beautiful space. In the short run we aim to build bat houses to install in the spring and work on waste management and energy sustainability projects.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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