Children First Project (Temporary- Still undecided)

  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Status

The Problem

To raise awareness on the lack of resources provided for homeless youth to promote childhood stability, health, education, and development while also helping disadvantaged children reach their full potential to break the generational cycle of poverty.

Our Plan

My project will bring programs and services to referring partners, comprised of local shelters and organizations, so that we cover several areas in our community instead of just one. At each location, we'll have programs (such as tutoring, art, and physical activity), targeted for each age group, to use with the children. Besides being an educational service, my already existing school Hope For Homeless Club will become the main chapter of my nonprofit project. Through creating more high school chapters, there will be an emphasis put on student involvement while also reaching a larger community. Through our network of volunteers, my project is completely volunteer-run under a 501c3 fiscal sponsor, composed of a team and advisory board. With the help of the ANNpower Fellowship, I have gained a lot of connections and community support to take my project to the next level and be implemented by this fall.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Food Choices
  • term icon
    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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