Denver Parks Pollinator Gardens

  • Location
    Denver, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

We want to see the native colorado pollinator species increase int he Denver area. We have beautiful parks in Colorado with really big garden areas and green spaces. With some community help, and some resources to add native plant and flower species to our already existing gardens we can hope to see our butterfly and bee populations grow.

Our Plan

We have already obtained permission from one of the park in Denver! Early next spring our TEP students will be helping the city and park maintenance crew add milkweed and other native plants and flowers to the garden areas around the park. Our students and other community members will monitor the populations of Monarchs at all stages throughout their migration and feeding season. We will also look at getting estimated counts of bees we see within the gardens. We hope this garden will become a pollinator hot spot and add to the beauty of the gardens as well.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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