Girls Science Interactive

  • Location
    Louisville, Kentucky
  • Status

The Problem

STEM careers are rapidly growing in today's world, but males still dominate these fields. My goal, as part of Girls Science Interactive, is to encourage girls to pursue scientific knowledge at a young age. I want to show young girls that science is meant for everyone, and that they can pursue their dreams if they act on their curiosity. Lastly, I would like to incorporate this project into my school's WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) club and hold after school workshops at local elementary schools with the same goal of encouraging girls to pursue their interests in STEM.

Our Plan

Girls Science Interactive is a youth-led nonprofit organization that provides free STEM summer camps and other programs for elementary and middle school girls to spark their interest in science. We hope to show young girls that science can be fun and exciting by performing hands on activities to explore many STEM areas, including engineering, chemistry, and astronomy. We want to show them that science and engineering fields are not only meant for boys and that they can pursue these careers if they continue showing interest and work towards these goals. This organization runs camps in 13 states, and is still expanding to help solve the lack of female representation in STEM fields.

Themes Addressed

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