Green Garden for All!

  • Location
    Huntington Park, California
  • Status

The Problem

With our project we wish to provide a clean, green space for people on our campus to use on a daily basis. This space would be intended to provide relaxation. We would also like to increase the pollinators in the area to allow for more plant life to thrive. This space is important to our campus because it is very concrete.

Our Plan

Our project will clean out the existing garden space and allow service learning to take place. Our group will learn about the importance of green space and also pollinators in the community. We will then work together to determine what plants and items we wish to include in our garden to make it inviting to all. We will be cleaning the garden, planting the plants and trees, inserting furniture and maintaining the space throughout the school year.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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