Project Healing Wellsville

  • Location
    Wellsville, Ohio
  • Status

The Problem

Project Healing Wellsville This proposal from SAK: A Simple Act of Kindness Club (Wellsville Jr/Sr High School club) is based on the hope of creating better environments in the downtown area of Wellsville, Ohio. It will bring students working together for a common goal with support from the community as a educational, agricultural, and beautification experience for all to enjoy. SAK would like to create mini areas where we can plant flowers & vegetables, use of seating, swing, and benches, water fountains, fencing, and flower boxes.

Our Plan

Wellsville is a depressed area with a lot of run down lots and homes. The SAK Club would like to "pay it forward" to the community by creating places of beauty, relaxation and educational sites to help the community feed oneself and learn from the experience. When the project is finish and we can share it with the community by holding an "Open House" to showcase and education the public on its use.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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