Tucker Valley Brook: Creek And Community

  • Location
    East Dixfield, Maine
  • Status

The Problem

Tucker Valley Brook runs through the village of East Dixfield, Maine. Participants will seek out information on how the brook effects the community (what role did it play in the village's founding and how is it used today?) and also how people effect the brook both historically and currently. They will consider which things are beneficial and which things might be helped to improve.

Our Plan

Participants will create place based art and writing inspired by the brook. Some will be completely natural and can be left in place to naturally erode or wash away (art made with stones and sticks, for instance) as well as writing which will be distributed by the Cosmotropism Story Project as stories written on origami turtles and "freed" throughout the world. Through these activities, participants will learn about the history of the brook and the community, the science of the plants and animals that call the brook home as well as how to express their new ideas, plans and actions through art and writing. Additionally, as they have learned about how the life of the brook and the community intertwine, they will themselves be creating, documenting and disseminating new folklore about the creek and the community.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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