Be a Humane Hero

Equip Yourself With the Tools to Take Action for Animals in Need

Did you know that approximately 7.6 million pets enter animal shelters nationwide every year? Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats.* Every year, around 625,000 dogs and cats are killed in America’s animal shelters*.

Although no one person can help every suffering animal, everyone has a role to play in the protection of pets, shelter, and stray animals in their community. Animal shelters, rescue groups, local organizations and businesses, elected officials, and individual community members are working together to take collective responsibility for the dogs and cats who live in our neighborhoods.

You can do something about it. Watch the video in the action below from our friends at Best Friends, an organization leading the standard in rescue and no-kill shelter advocacy, to educate and empower people across the country to help animals through community service.

*(American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “Pet Statistics.”)

*National animal shelter data from Best Friends’ pet lifesaving dashboard.

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Take Action

Watch this video to learn more about what you can do to help dogs and cats in need.

Level Up

Here’s a list of local action items that YOU can do to help pets in your community. From organizing community support to creating community kindness cards – there are so many ways to help. You can also check out more including the Best Friends pledge.

Explore More 1-Clicks!

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