
Well, well - shall we begin at the beginning? But what is the beginning? Because it's not that simple, as one can imagine. I guess, I could start where most…
  • Active 3 years, 6 months ago





Well, well – shall we begin at the beginning?

But what is the beginning?

Because it’s not that simple, as one can imagine.

I guess, I could start where most people do – childhood, adolescence and the rest.

But, I don’t think I will.

Because, over the 16 years of life I have presently lived, I consider there are two versions of me. Now. And Then.

Then was – oh, how should I put it – Then, was a perilous time for myself; and I mean on the physical and mental spectrum of things. See, before Now, I was fully and unequivocally obsessed with myself – I was so wrapped up in my own, silly little world that I forgot to notice things – things like the sweet, subtle scent of Spring, or the fact other creatures have sapient minds, needs, wants and emotions, or that even the tiniest organism plays an essential role in the complex relationships of the wild – we call that biodiversity.

Then was a time where I was very materialistic and unaware of the environmental issues which exist around us – sure I “liked” other animals, and certainly wouldn’t actively drop litter or anything like that. But after what I call my Turning Point, I saw the world, I believe, properly for the very first time.

Now I appreciate every single miraculous thing – great, small, ugly and beautiful – found here on planet earth. Nothing – and I mean that in it’s entirety – gives me greater joy than undisturbed nature taking place: a tiny sapling, a wallaby washing its face, a skink lapping up the sunlight, a Caterpillar chewing on my potato plants, a black cockatoo shrieking under a cut-glass-blue sky, a bee fussily dusting its legs with pollen…

After realising all this, I knew I had to do something in order to preserve these pockets of life. Because I had seen what some people were doing to it.

And I didn’t jolly well like it!

Since then, I have become involved in climate change activism groups, participated in Landcare planting days and Clean Up Australia Day events, I was accepted into Victoria Zoos Youth Leadership Program before Covid-19 sunk its fangs into Australia; almost every weekend I take a rubbish bag and collect as much rubbish as I can in a particular area (not going to lie, there’s a depressing amount), I spend many hours at my local nature reserve just walking and observing the natural beauty or read in the evenings about endangered species, threats tot he environment or other astounding creatures which inhabit Earth. In terms of activism, I’ve only just begun – I have spoken once at a Climate Rally in Geelong, written many letters to various politicians, read up on ways to mitigate climate change (I would highly recommend 2040 by Damon Gameau – that book is like a bible to me), dreamt about other ways I can persuade people to join this movement of Hope, and, thanks to a drama project at school, investigated into the life of Jane Goodall (I took great pleasure in showing my class how to perform the chimpanzee pant-hoot).

Dr Jane delivered me from a very dark place thanks to – to her, really. Her books, works, life stories and messages; there is no other person who has inspired me more than Jane. And for that, I can only say thank you – though I recognise that language is not something which is always the best method of communication – sometimes a hug or a hand squeeze is all you need.

I do, however, get extremely depressed and angry when I see any evidence or people actively destroying or polluting the Earth. I have no good question as to why people litter, or don’t bother to recycle, or cut down ancient trees just so a fat block of apartments can go there (there are a few, but I am talking about countries which live in what, by modern standards, is considered “developed”).

But whatever the reason, I intend to find out. Because people don’t listen if you just shout at them. You have to understand them – not become them – but understand them and make them appreciate what this marvelous land does for us, that all creatures – yes, including Homo sapiens – must be valued with the upmost respect and compassion.

That’s my aim anyway – change the world.

In whatever way I can.

Hope Always,

Zoe Evans

School/Organization Name

Bellarine Secondary Collage

Grade Level

10th Grade

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