Marissa T.

2024 Roots & Shoots Youth Council
Jane Goodall Institute USA
“I look to a future when I can not only raise awareness, or inspire my peers, but use my engineering knowledge to create ways to better our environment.”

Grade: Freshman at University of Pennsylvania

Roots & Shoots History: Four years with Roots & Shoots

Roots & Shoots Group: High Technology High School Roots & Shoots

Marissa is a Freshman at University of Pennsylvania. This is her second year on the National Youth Leadership Council. She is the vice president of her high school’s Roots & Shoots group, and she loves using innovative initiatives to share her passion with her classmates. Her favorite Roots & Shoots project the group completed was creating a vertical garden outside of the school to bring more greenery to the building. On top of environmental advocacy projects like beach cleanups or planting dune grass, Marissa conducts engineering related research such as creating biofuel from local algae.

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