Colorado 2020

  • Location
    Northglenn, Colorado
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is to learn more about Colorado's climate, how it's changing, and what we can do to motivate Colorado citizens to make our state more sustainable.

Our Plan

Our project will unite third graders with members of the community and the Climate Colorado organization. Together we will brainstorm ways to help our state prepare for climate change and create a more sustainable future. We will participate in a dynamic, rapid-prototyping entrepreneurial process to solve climate challenges. Once we have our solutions, they will be added to a virtual geospatial map, which is accessible to all Coloradans. This map allows people to see our solutions and encourages positive change for all.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Air Pollution
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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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