Fostering Pets

  • Location
    Pasadena, California
  • Status

The Problem

An ever increasing issue in Los Angeles is the ever growing amount of strays. Shelters no longer have the capacity to contain these animals, so many were put down. However, a recent program initiated by the Pasadena Humane Society called the "Fostering program" allows people to foster an animal until a permanent resident would like to care for that animal. The program is still growing, and has decreased the euthenasia in 2015 by 50%. We plan however to raise that number up to 75% by the end of 2016.

Our Plan

Our R&S group members have shown a keen interest in participating in the program. Although, if a member does not wish to foster an animal (or adopt) then they can actually help with advertising. It's very important that people are aware of the program, because if they were not it simply wouldn't function. We're leading the charge not only through social media, but also contacting local pet businesses around Pasadena to spread the word as well, we might even even expand to just businesses in general as time goes on. We're currently planning on getting a field trip set up for our Roots and Shoots group to go and play with the animals to celebrate our hopefully big success in supporting this program!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Pets & Companion Animals

The Benefit

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