My Neighbor’s Table

  • Location
    Arlington, Texas
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish for this project is that it will help families create food security within their households while also teaching them how to grow their own Garden in a Bag.

Our Plan

"My Neighbor's Table" will address food insecurity for families in Grand Prairie, Texas who are considered homeless. These families live in motels and often lack the necessary resources to provide nutritional meals for their families. Our group of youth will plant a garden, maintain the garden and donate the harvest to these families. In addition, through a partnership with a local community garden, our youth will assist in educating these families on how to grow their own "garden in a bag." Despite limited available space, the "garden in a bag" approach allows families to learn a practical skill to reduce food insecurity in their household.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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