Petaluma High Outdoor Classroom

  • Location
    Petaluma, California
  • Status

The Problem

Our wish is to create an outdoor classroom space where currently there is a yard & pond. The pond needs improvement to be legal (safe). We would also like to see this area serve as an outdoor classroom. The public will see a new design on the pond with signage describing the ecology of the pond. They will also see our chicken coop and chickens and be able to observe animal behavior. The public will also see a garden area where we hope to grow vegetables for our consumption as well as providing habitat & resources for wild animals (birds & insects such as bees).

Our Plan

This project will beautify the space (benefiting our school community), improve the environmental resources of the space (benefiting animals) and provide us with an outdoor learning environment (benefiting students).

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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