Rosa Parks School Yard Goes Green

  • Location
    United States
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The Problem

Our elementary school has lots of space for sports. We now want it to have lots of spaces where plants can grow and attract butterflies and other insects. We want children to be able to go to a green space to explore or contemplate the natural world. We want the children to see solar energy at work and understand why this is a wiser energy choice. We want children to see that things can be built from recycled materials.

Our Plan

One corner of the school yard will be dug up and filled with plants that will attract butterflies and insects. Another corner will be dug up and infused with aromatic plants. Interpretive signs will be hung to explain the nature of the specialized areas. A cob bench will be constructed with the help of our students, showing that chunks of demolition cement can be reused to make a new structure. A pump will be installed, connected to a small solar panel, making a fountain work. The water pressure will change when the angle of the panel is changed, an act that can be done by our students. Finally, a structure will be built for climbing, using recycled materials. We will be collaborating with university architecture students. This will give them an opportunity to research and construct a structure, as they follow their passion to become architects. We hope to have much of the project completed by the end of the school year. But it is more realistic to say that it will be completed by December 2015.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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