Save Our Gibbons

  • Location
    Sai KUng
  • Status

The Problem

Our mission is to raise awareness within our local community about the endangered state of the Hainan Black Crested Gibbons in effort to prevent further poaching and habitat loss.

Our Plan

Raise awareness in our local and surrounding community. We will have an ariticle published in our local town magazine with a readership of 30,000 people. We will sell Seedlings for seedlings - growing seedlings to sell to our community to raise money for the Kadoorie Conservation China organisation to grow and plant new seedlings in the Bawangling National Nature Reserve. Create a facebook page to raise awareness. Share presentation of Powtoons and keynotes that gives information to other local students and people. Create a website to share our information. Maybe go to Hainan. Design and purchase tshirts (made from bamboo and charcoal) with information on the gibbons and sell them. TELL EVERYONE about the Hainan Black Crested Gibbon.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Indigenous Rights
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The Benefit

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