Eat Real!

  • Location
    Sherman Oaks, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    5 to 7 Years

The Problem

Students often eat highly processed food. They need to learn that snacks are important for them and because they burn energy quickly. Snacks or “mini-meals” can provide nutrients and energy throughout the day when children are active. A healthy snack is built from the food groups. They will try to combine foods from at least two different food groups. An example could be a granola bar and fresh fruit or vegetables. Balance is important for snacks, and they should incorporate several food groups as well as foods that children enjoy.

Our Plan

Students to visit local food environments such as a local supermarket and purchase whole food such as fresh fruits and vegetables after they learn about the benefits of eating healthy snacks

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices

The Benefit

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