No More Plastic Bags

  • Location
    Morganville, New Jersey
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type
    Community-Based Program

The Problem

An average American family uses almost 1,500 plastic bags a year. A lot of those plastic bags eventually end up in landfills or polluting the ocean.

Our Plan

We hope to encourage more people to stop using single use plastic bags and use reusable cloth bags instead.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Climate Change
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    Zero Waste

The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

Our event went very well and we were able to speak with many people about the importance of stopping the use of single-use plastic.

Through this project I/we learned:

We learned that it is okay if some people don't listen to what you are trying to say. Sometimes, people can be busy or are simply not interesting, but this shouldn't discourage anyone from being an advocate for what they believe in

What I/we might change:

We might be able to change our approach. COVID-19 will change how our society interacts with each other, so it may not be a good idea to stand outside stores to talk to people.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

My favorite part of this project is engaging in conversations with some people who take an interest in our project. It is also always nice to see someone using one of our GreenTeen reusable bags after coming out of the grocery store.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

A tip for when trying to catch people's attention is to make your "speech" short and concise. Most people are busy and do not want to spend time listening to people standing in the way of their task. Being quick and concise will get your point across without wasting the consumer's time.

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