Healthy Meal Team

  • Location
    Summerville, South Carolina
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years
  • Group Type

The Problem

We have modified our project to help our community during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are now distributing our weekly meals-to-go style at our local YMCA to people struggling in these challenging times. An older woman we help at Katie\'s Krops was notified that there had been an error made in the food stamps that she had received for the past ten years. The mistake was not hers; it was an error the state made. Nevertheless, the state is insisting that she must pay back what she was overpaid. Her food stamps have been cut in half. Our hearts broke as we learned that she now needs to eat off $2.76 a day. We knew that we needed to help not only Ms. Candy but other families that are in crisis, individuals, and families that would go without if we did not step in. Starting in the spring, we gathered our harvest and started to create healthy weekly dinners that provide meals throughout the week for these families.

Our Plan

To make weekly garden to table meals that we deliver to Ms. Candy, local homeless shleters and families in crisis so they have healthy meals for the week.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Insecurity

The Benefit

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