Sensory Garden -SVA

  • Location
    Independence, Kentucky
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Our school chose the Sensory Garden project. Our school has a court yard that needs to be rejuvenated. We also are starting behavior intervention classes that would like to use this space as a calming and re-centering place. The students in intervention will be the ones to tend to the garden. Learning how to care for something else will help instill pride and confidence in the students that need it the most. Part of their class will be to plan out how the court yard will look. What plants can grow in our climate. How to tend to those plants. What are the wildlife needs in our area (birds and other critters). What labor is needed to create our sensory garden and who can help us create it. And last how to maintain the garden throughout the year.

Our Plan

Students will create a plan and execute it. I will know our project is successful when we have a completed garden that has sensory garden that creates a calming environment filled that the school uses. I track and analyze behavior data on all my students. I will know this project is successful when the completion of the project and the use of the sensory garden will show a decrease in the students' behavior problems. My data will show an increase in productive behaviors in the classroom.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Peace & Safety
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    Social-Emotional Learning

The Benefit

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