Sample Project Timelines

Use This Resource to Help You Visualize Your Project

You can make an impact on your community in an instant by making responsible decisions, inspiring others to act, and more. When we turn our everyday actions and bright ideas into long-term projects, we can have an even bigger impact. As you’re planning your Roots & Shoots project, an important step in the process is creating your project timeline.

Roots & Shoots projects can be completed on any timeline! You can create short or long-term, one time, ongoing, or annual projects. Use the example timelines below to visualize what your Roots & Shoots project can look like over a longer period.


Make a backwards timeline. Start by choosing the deadline for your project and work backwards by setting dates for all the things that will need to happen prior to that date.

10-Week Example Timeline

Here's a sample timeline that shows a Roots & Shoots project in 10 weeks.
Get the Example Timeline here!

25-Week Example Timeline

Here's a sample timeline that shows a Roots & Shoots project in 10 weeks.
Get the Example Timeline here!

Log Your Project

As you design and implement your project, remember to create a project profile in the Roots & Shoots project database! Simply login and navigate to the project database, then click on "Start a Project." When you're ready, fill out the details of your planned project and when you're done, don't forget to tell us how it went!
Start Your Project Now!
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